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Diabetes is such a terrible disease... It it estimated that an additional 500,00 people will be diagnosed this year and 150,000 will die of this disease in the United States this year alone.

So, if you haven’t made your Annual Gift of $10 or more to National Diabetes Fund (NDF) -- please -- do it now.

The National Diabetes Fund is totally dependent on supporters like you for its existence. We have no other source of income. Your past generous support has helped us launch nationwide diabetes prevention programs and promote research into promising new cutting edge diabetes treatment methods. We sincerely hope you will consider this matter carefully and help us keep the progress moving forward.

Can we count on your gift today of $10?

Please make your most generous donation today.


Michael Evers
Executive Director


The Prostate Cancer Fund (PCF) ⋅ A program of Project Cure Foundation

Promoting research and public awareness into alternative medicine for over 30 years